"How do I get my business restarted with no lead time and a CapEx budget depleted from buying laptops for people to use while working from home?"

As we navigate the self-quarantine period together, the above is a consistent question heard from many of our forward-thinking clients. Like you, they are now focusing on what to do next as anticipated restart dates loom on the horizon. Depending upon where your business is located, multiple “start back to work” dates have been proposed or set.

Just getting started back is unsettling enough following the turmoil we’ve seen, however, when the focus turns to overdue technology-refresh projects delayed by the crisis, the feeling can be overwhelming. Since a depleted budget doesn’t necessarily mean deferred need, even customers that have never used strategic financing are readily exploring the concept.

As your valued and trusted technology partner, BOXX (along with our preferred financing partner, Marlin Capital Solutions) has created a program that minimizes your cash outlay for 2020, thereby allowing you to deploy needed hardware solutions today. The benefits include:

  • 90-day deferral and step payment options for qualified customers
  • Stronger credits can qualify for Marlin’s pre-funding program to order new systems now
  • Monthly payment is easier to manage than a large cash output
  • Frees up cash flow for other business operations
  • Fast, streamlined process so you can focus on other aspects of your business

As our economy begins the reopening process, now is the time for all of us to be proactive, productive, and make our presence as visible to customers as possible. We also need to increase our value within our own companies. Hopefully, everything will return to normal sooner than later, but regardless of situation, BOXX will continue to support your creative applications and workflows. And one of those ways is through financing, so if you’re interested, contact us for a proposal. We’re here to help.

And by the way, if you still need laptops, we have some remarkable savings offers still available on GoBOXX.

Bud Wainright is a BOXX Enterprise Solutions specialist at bud@boxx.com.